
TLV Radio – 04/07/2021

Congratulations we are introducing new radio podcast @radio_tlv
We are so excited to share all of our tips and inspirational ideas if fashion wellness and lifestyle. 
Follow us and join for the incredible ride every Tuesday at 1pm.

Below are some of the podcasts I have done with The Boker Tov Show where I offer inspirational and creative ideas to live a more balanced and healthy, fabulous lifestyle.

Chapter 55 – September 8, 2020
In this episode with discuss “Rosh Hashana” holiday. How do we welcome the new year. How do we set the table ,Colors of the season, favorite foods . As a beautiful host what do you wear to feel comfortable yet still be beautiful and more…

Chapter 49 – August 24, 2020
In this episode we discuss how to travel safe during the pandemic and also how to in-light your life  with small little steps.

Chapter 36 – July 22, 2020